MTA collaborates with companies and organizations in order to add value to the challenges faced by companies, through research and innovation projects.

What we offer

Your company screams desperate thirst for innovation. Lets talk!
We will foster cooperation, create connections, generate new knowledge, and we will create multidisciplinary teams.
Disruptive innovation is often the result of applying entrepreneurial mindset to the day to day activity in an organisation. Creating empowered teams that share the purpose of the organisation and dare to challenge the status quo is what makes innovation happen. We help you to blend the agility of a Startup with the expertise and reality of a corporate.
At Mondragon Team Academy we are experts in intrapreneurship based on learning in multidisciplinary teams, creating better opportunities for disruptive innovation.

Reskill and upskill
The continuous development of key skills is vital for the generation of innovation and competitiveness in any sector. Through learning by doing in interdisciplinary teams and learning journeys, we work on the following skills among others: Teamwork, Creativity, Leadership, Innovation Processes, Knowledge Creation.
Sharpen the saw becomes often key for maintaining awakened teams.
The real stuff
Take a look at how MTA has impacted companies and organizations:

Laboral Kutxa, Kutxabank, Fundación BBK
BBF Fintech Open Innovation Program. Disruptors.

EKINN: Innovation Ecosystem

Biscay Provincial Council
Greenpreneurs Bizkaia