Four years. Four countries. Build your tomorrow.
Bachelor's degree in entrepreneurial leadership and innovation (LEINN)

If you are...
a person prepared for personal discovery and transformation and ready to embark on the path of innovation.

And you are looking to...
become a global citizen discovering your capacity for change and social impact.

To develop your potential...
Self-management skills / Project management / Capability of team leadership / Planning techniques / Coaching skills / Strategic skills / Decision making

And market yourself as...
Innovation manager / International overseas manager / Entrepreneur-Business person / Global marketing and communities 2.0 manager. / Self-managed-team coach. / Events and communications manager (PR) / Local and international sales manager
Official degree:
Graduate in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation
240ECTS / 4 years
English, Basque, Spanish, Korean
Oñati, Bidasoa, Barcelona, Berlin, Bilbao, Madrid, Malaga, Puebla, Seoul, Shanghai, Valencia / International: Multicultural & Nomad

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LEINN has given me wings to do whatever I want to do. It has transformed my life. It has given me self-confidence and thanks the program, I have been able to realize just how far I can go.
Sara Martinez