Lead an innovative and intrapreneurial challenge in a leading edge company, or create an original and innovative entrepreneurial project within a transformative ecosystem

If you are...
Graduated and have an entrepreneurial spirit. You see yourself leading processes of creation and transformation in your own project or within a company.

And you are looking for...
An official degree that accompanies you to discover new things, learn from action, create entrepreneurial projects, work in teams, face current challenges, learn while travelling and make your passion your profession.

During the MEINN program
You will learn to apply tools and techniques of entrepreneurship and innovation. You will lead entrepreneurial projects and teams. Identify key business challenges and opportunities. You will design the most appropriate solution for that specific problem and market.

And you think you can...
Challenge yourself and adapt to transformative and changing situations.
Official degree:
MEINN: Official master's degree in entrepreneurship and open innovation
1 year
Spanish / Basque / English
Bilbao, Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria
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